Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Following Safe working practices P3 (c)

Here is my risk assessment:

- The first hazard was; Could be burnt or set on fire by the bonfire. People that may have been harmed in the filming of this video could of been the actors and crew. The way to avoid this is to stay a fair amount away from the bonfire as well as any dancing for a joke to avoid falling over and seriously hurting yourself.

- The second hazard was; Dancer could sprain a body part when dancing on un even ground. People that may have been harmed would of been the actors. The way to avoid this is to be careful where you step and wear shoes at all time. In the making of the video we did not wear shoes unless we were off camera. The reason why is it didn't look right with shoes and the dancers just had to be extra careful. We had to remove any prickly objects that she could possibly stand on. 

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